Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 15: Espresso Frappuccino

Today I got...
(sorry I didn't update yesterday.. I wasn't on the computer until really late) So today I ordered an Espresso Frappuccino. This was great! I wasn't expecting it to be any different than it was. It was simply espresso, but icy and cold. It was a lot stronger than the coffee frappuccino - so unless you love that strong coffee taste, this drink isn't for you.

That's all! Thanks for all your suggestions!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 14: Iced Berry Chai

I drove to Starbucks today! After taking the first of my two hour driving lessons, I drove down Magdalena, taking the long route to Starbucks - a smarter decision I thought, avoiding Foothill Expressway because I found myself too nervous.

Today I got...
This drink was.. surprising. I expected the Iced Berry Chai to be a little more fruity and a little less.. spicy? I guess that was just the "chai" part of the drink. The first sip was a little strong, but the rest was actually really good! I think any stronger though, and it would have been too much. I was thinking of ordering an Iced Chai latte next time, but I have a feeling it will only be stronger, but not with the satisfying berry flavor. So even though I was pleased with the iced berry chai, I think I'll have to pass on something similar next time. Thanks Sanjana for suggesting this!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 13: Iced Latte

Today I got...
Just a simple Iced Latte. Sometimes your just in the mood for something simple and soothing. I love this drink! Sometimes it tastes a little odd... if it's not shaken together, it can be a tad bitter. But today's was perfect! Not too bitter and not too sweet- jut right!
I think the key is ordering it with "light ice." Otherwise they fill the cup up with ice all the way to the top! And there is almost no room for the drink itself in it. So when I order this drink, or any iced drink for that matter, I always get it light ice- I definitely suggest doing this!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 12: Iced Mocha

Help! I'm running out of new drinks to try and I would love some ideas! I know just what I will get tomorrow (you'll have to wait and see!) and after that I am almost out! Any recommendations?

Today I got..
Just a simple iced mocha.I was in the mood for something simple, and this was it! But really though.. it tasted just like chocolate milk! I could have made that at home myself easily without paying about $3 for the drink. So I suppose if you like chocolate milk and don't mind paying a little extra... this would be the drink for you!

Day 11: caffeine deprived

(this is from yesterday - I forgot to update!)
In Rancho shopping center, Starbucks is right next to my family's favorite restaurant Brian's. My mom and sister and I go there quite often after church on Sunday morning, and we've become quite good friends of Brian himself. This makes each visit just a little more pleasent, as we are warmly greeted when we walk in the door. Waiters and waitresses have gotten to know us as well. My family tends to go there on major occasions, like my sister's graduation. On my birthday, my friend Haley and I walked there, and I was surprised with a large sundae for the occasion.
I've grown attached to this place for breakfast lunch and dinner.
On wednesday morning, my mom and I decided to take a break from Starbucks and fit in a trip to Brian's quickly before school. So sorry guys, no Starbucks for me that day. But I will get back to it shortly!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 11: Passion Iced Tea Lemonade

Today I got...
Since it's finally spring, I was in the mood for something refreshing. The passion ice tea lemonade is just that! I got it unsweetened. I've gotten it sweetened before, it's just WAY too sweet, like extremely sugary. So I ordered it unsweetened, and it was great! It's really refreshing, and although it wouldn't be the drink to order when you need a caffeine-boost, it's tasty and refreshing!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 10: Raspberry Mocha

I never thought there would be peanuts in a Starbucks stone. My mom often buys a Classic Coffee Cake in the morning, and today, I was tempted to try some. Knowing there was some sort of nut in it, we asked what type it was. Surprisingly the lady was unable to answer the question. Being allergic to peanuts, I constantly have to question if the food I am about to eat has peanuts or peanut oil. My friends look at me with exasperated looks saying "of COURSE this doesn't have nuts Shannon!" But, you know, it doesn't seem silly to me at all having to ask constantly if my food has peanuts. ( I even carry an epi pen!) Anywho, disappointed (and maybe a little paranoid) I couldn't try the coffee cake just in case. :(
Today I got...
Each morning when I walk into school with my new drink of the day, my friends suggest Starbucks drinks for me to try sometime soon. The day I brought my London Fog Tea Latte to school, two of my close friends raved about the raspberry mocha. Just as they said, this drink was delicious! I guess it really depends on whether you like the taste of raspberry or not, since the flavor is so strong. But if you do, I definitely recommend this.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 9: Pumpkin Spice Latte

Usually at Starbucks, my mom and I like to take our time- sit down for 10 minutes or so before we start our busy day at school/work. Sadly leaving from home just a little late can make this relaxing time impossible. Once it is past 7:20 or so, the Starbucks line is almost twice as long! So this morning - being just a tad late, we were forced to rush in and out of Starbucks.

Today I got...
I wasn't sure if this was only offered around Christmas time.. but I decided to give the Pumpkin Spice Latte a shot! I'm going to quick and straight forward - this drink was not appetizing at all. I actually thought it would be, or well I hoped it would be. But the pumpkin taste was just way too strong. I think next time I will get something a little safer. I would like to be able to finish my coffee some time!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 8: London Fog Tea Latte

Today I got...
I'm usually not one for tea. I only drink a few types at home, like Good Earth. The occasional other brand of tea can be satisfying, depending on my mood. This morning as I was choosing a new drink for the day, skimming over a list of Starbucks drinks, the London Fog Tea Latte stood out to me. It sounded unique and appetizing, so I decided to switch from my usual espresso drink over to tea. After taking my first sip I just thought.. "well this is... interesting." The taste was just a little overwhelming. It tasted too creamy and very.. flower-y. Turns out this drink is made with tea, milk, lavender, and vanilla. It was just too different a taste for my liking.
Since I didn't want to waste it, I handed this tea over to my friend, who seems to be just as addicted to tea as I am to coffee- I thought "who better a person to give this to than Leeza?" . But after taking a few sips, she said, "It's like drinking a flower..." Exactly what I thought! I guess it wasn't my super picky taste that made me not like this. It was just too strong taste of lavender.

Hopefully I will have better luck at Starbucks next time!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 7: Skinny Vanilla Latte

Every morning before school, my mom brews coffee at home. It's Starbucks brand, so even when I don't go one day, I still get a taste of Starbucks each day! We've been getting the same type of coffee for years: French roast ground turkish. mm! It's the finest ground, but as Henna would know, I love Italian roast ground turkish. She bought me a pound of that coffee for my birthday once after she realized my addiction to caffeine... in 8th grade. I definitely loved that gift!
Today I got...
My morning began normally as my mom and I got in the car at 7:10 and drove to Starbucks. After waiting in line, she ordered her usual short cup of coffee and I got a Skinny Vanilla Latte. Just before we sat down, my mom got a call and we had to leave immediately, before my drink was finished being made. My new drink of the day must have sat on the counter for minutes before they realized I was not going to pick it up. After school though, I visited Starbucks again and was completely satisfied with the Skinny Vanilla Latte. I'd say it was worth the wait, I loved it! I actually didn't know what it meant by "skinny" until just now. It is sugar-free and has non-fat milk. You really can't taste the difference, it doesn't taste any blander with no sugar. The sweet taste of the vanilla syrup covers it up, making this drink very pleasing.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 6: Gingersnap Latte

I'm so used to walking into Starbucks and ordering a grande cappuccino. So I now always get a grande, but after today's drink I realized maybe I shouldn't be getting grande drinks.. what if I don't like it? What a waste! That's how today's was. I sadly could only finish a little bit of it.. I told myself it would get better after a while.. I just felt so bad wasting the drink! But nope, it didn't. I think I will stick with tall drinks now. or maybe the "short" cup if I ever don't feel the need for too much caffeine.. but that's pretty unlikely

Today I got...
I ordered a grande gingersnap latte. Bad idea - this drink was so... surprising. I expected it to be a litte spicy, since when I ordered it the man called it "gingerspice latte." But it was very bitter and a little bland. I actually couldn't come close to fnishing it. I personally wouldn't reccomend it, it just wasn't for me. disappointing :(

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 5: Marble Mocha Macchiato

Today I got...
As I sat in the hair salon getting bangs (yes, I got
bangs) this morning, I drank a marble mocha macchiato. From the picture, it looks so sweet. This mocha made of both white and darker chocolate really is very sweet, but its delicious! It's not too filling- just right!
Thanks Amanda for suggesting this!
It is even decorated so nicely! I think in the picture it's a little smudged, but the pretty design and caffeinated drink is just great!

p.s. I love this routine! delicious Starbucks each day :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 4: Iced Caramel Macchiato

I sat at Starbucks taking a picture of my new drink for the day, getting strange looks from other customers. They were probably thinking: "what is she doing... that's a little odd." And just my luck- I left the camera in the car. I will upload a picture of my "new experience" later tonight.
Today I got...
I walked into Starbucks this morning and ordered an Iced Caramel Macchiato. I haven't heard of this drink until a few days ago, when my friend suggested it. At first sip, I thought it was pretty good. I tasted the caramel and thought "yum!" But the more I drank the less sweet it was. This drink is just too bitter. Ayesha, sitting next to me, agreed and said it just tasted water and grated coffee. says this drink is made with vanilla, but I really don't taste it all. The more sips I take of it, however, the more it grows on me.
Any more suggestions? Let me know! :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 3: Peppermint While Mocha

Pick of the week: Nine Sixteen - Bruno Merz. For those of you who didn't know, every week Starbucks has a couple free Itunes cards at the counter. The card has a free song of the week, one that isn't on Itunes store for free (as I've noticed). Today I picked up a Bruno Merz song, because I've never heard of him. I'm currently listening to it now, I'd say it is pretty good!
Today I got...
Daniela, I hope you see this! (since you suggested it) I tried the peppermint white mocha :) It was pretty good at first! But it gets really sweet though.. very sugary and filling! I could only finish half. But I really appreciate the suggestion! (just a little too sweet for my taste.) Any other suggestions from anyone are always greatly appreciaited :) remember - i'm trying to taste lots of new drinks!

In the picture - They didn't give me any whipped cream :(

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 2: Cinnamon Dolce Iced Latte

Being in a nearly empty Starbucks today (I went at 4ish.. I was surprised)there was nobody in line behind me. Good thing too, because I took a little too long paying.. I was using quarters and dimes. Why? My dad had tons of change in the car and he just insisted that I use it for my drink. I felt a little weird.. expecting to be given a confused look followed by an exasperated sigh as the woman behind the counter would double checked that the change I give her is correct. But nevertheless I walked up to the counter feeling a little guilty, not wanting to impose any burden on the nice woman who had complimented my vest as i walked in. I mean really, how useless is change? The only time i really use it is on gumball/candy machines. My dad uses change to get stamps..but seeing as the machine is always broken, that is how I ended up using a handful of change to buy my drink. Anyhow, to my surprise, the lady exclaimed "Oh great! I was just running out of coins! I was going to have to open a new roll," as she placed $4.60 worth of coins into the cash register. phew.

Today I got...
Mmm! I would definitely recommend this. the cinnamon dolce iced latte tops the unoriginal cappuccino I usually ordered. I thought it might be a bit too strong - but if I known what "dolce" meant before I got it, I would know that I would be wrong. gentle and sweet, thats what it means. And it definitely fits this delicious drink!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 1: white chocolate mocha frap

My trip to Starbucks today was far different than others. It wasn't the hurried visit on the way to school. With the day off from school, my dad and I stopped there in mid-afternoon. What a different atmosphere! Customers seemed more nonchalant; it was much less crowded, and surprisingly there was a different rush of people. A whole group of people had been left out in the morning. I had never noticed it, but the afternoon customers seemed to be largely different than that of the morning. I saw no business men/women. Nearly half the customers were children.

The workers even seemed friendlier. It could be because they weren't attempting to serve the 15 or so people waiting in line each morning, tapping their feet and worrying that the line is just too long and the drinks will take too much time to make.

Today I got...
I'm usually not one for frappuccinos, they seem so filling and so fatty. White chocolate mocha frappuccino. It isn't on the menu at the Starbucks I usually go to, and I don't paticulary think it needs to be. Frankly, it tastes no different than a regular mocha frap: satisfying at first but way too filling.

time to mix it up a little!

As I walk into Starbucks often 4 times a week, I've noticed a multitude of things. The different types of customers, the jolly attitude of who seems to be the hardest worker, and soft music in the background.
Lately I've been noticing one thing: how many different types of drinks there are. Every time I go to Starbucks, I order a simple Grande Cappuccino, no syrups, no extra shots of espresso. My to-go cup consists of nothing but a simple "C," while others in front of me are covered in slashes and the words "extra," "triple," or a specific temperature at which to be heated. Over the past school year, the workers have gotten to know my mom and me quite well. They warmly welcome us when we walk in, and some remember our drink order each time we come before school.
Starbucks is really much more than a simple coffee shop, and its appeal is far from being just a quick stop in the morning where customers rush in and out. No, Starbucks has a welcoming ambiance with its music, couches, and European feel. The simple cup of coffee can be brewed at home, but Starbucks offers much more. I've only been experiencing part of it. Running in and out in the morning with my simple cappuccino, I've missed all the variety offered at Starbucks. There are a number of drinks fit for everyone, and I'm choosing to taste a new one every day!