Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 2: Cinnamon Dolce Iced Latte

Being in a nearly empty Starbucks today (I went at 4ish.. I was surprised)there was nobody in line behind me. Good thing too, because I took a little too long paying.. I was using quarters and dimes. Why? My dad had tons of change in the car and he just insisted that I use it for my drink. I felt a little weird.. expecting to be given a confused look followed by an exasperated sigh as the woman behind the counter would double checked that the change I give her is correct. But nevertheless I walked up to the counter feeling a little guilty, not wanting to impose any burden on the nice woman who had complimented my vest as i walked in. I mean really, how useless is change? The only time i really use it is on gumball/candy machines. My dad uses change to get stamps..but seeing as the machine is always broken, that is how I ended up using a handful of change to buy my drink. Anyhow, to my surprise, the lady exclaimed "Oh great! I was just running out of coins! I was going to have to open a new roll," as she placed $4.60 worth of coins into the cash register. phew.

Today I got...
Mmm! I would definitely recommend this. the cinnamon dolce iced latte tops the unoriginal cappuccino I usually ordered. I thought it might be a bit too strong - but if I known what "dolce" meant before I got it, I would know that I would be wrong. gentle and sweet, thats what it means. And it definitely fits this delicious drink!


  1. sounds delish. I shall remember to order that when I go to starbucks next time :)

  2. yummm...yes lattes are definitely my drink of choice

  3. Sounds tasty. :) If you haven't, you should try a white chocolate + peppermint mocha! Sooo good.

  4. oo that sounds good! maybe i'll try that tomorrow!

  5. Now I know what coffee-substitute I will be getting tomorrow morning!!! And I loved your vest today, too! :)

  6. what fantabulous advice! ill definitely try this soon haha

  7. you went to starbucks at FOUR in the morning?! are u crazy?! u must be crazy...but i will try this latte that you say is so good. im not a huge fan of sweet coffee but since u usually get a cappuccino i can savely say i think you have good taste =P ill get back to you when i have it!

  8. no no 4 in the afternoon!!! hahaha even ii wouldnt go that early in the morning!
